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رسالة *

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Canto 33 Dante In The Empyrean

Canto 33: Dante in the Empyrean

The Vision of the Trinity and the Universe

In the final canto of the Paradiso, Dante ascends to the Empyrean, the highest level of heaven. There, he beholds the beatific vision of God, the Trinity, and the universe. The universe appears as a single point of light, radiating endless light and joy.

The Trinity

Within this point of light, Dante sees the three persons of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Father is represented as a white light, the Son as a golden light, and the Holy Spirit as a red light. The three lights form a circle, with the Son seated at the center.

The Universe

Surrounding the Trinity is the universe, represented as a vast and infinite sea of light. In this sea, Dante sees all of creation, from the smallest particle to the largest galaxy. He also sees the souls of the blessed, who dance and sing in joy.


The vision of the Trinity and the universe in the Empyrean is a profound and moving experience for Dante. It is a vision of the ultimate reality, which transcends all human understanding. Through this vision, Dante comes to a deep understanding of the love and grace of God, and he is forever transformed.
