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Cavs Panzer

Germany Officially Joins CAVS Program

Replacing TPz Fuchs and M113

CAVS Program Details

On April 17, 2023, Germany officially signed on to the Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS) program. This joint venture between several European governments aims to develop and produce a new armored vehicle to replace the TPz Fuchs and M113. The CAVS program was initially established by Finland and Latvia and has since been joined by Sweden and Germany.

The CAVS program is a research and development initiative that will explore new technologies and concepts for armored vehicles. The program will focus on developing a vehicle that is highly mobile, survivable, and lethal. The CAVS vehicle will be designed to meet the specific requirements of the participating countries.

Germany's decision to join the CAVS program is a significant development. It signals that Germany is committed to developing a new generation of armored vehicles. The CAVS program will provide Germany with access to cutting-edge technologies and expertise. It will also allow Germany to collaborate with other European countries on a major defense project.
