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Cavs Bundeswehr

Germany Officially Joins Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS) Programme

Patria, DSL, and FFG Team Up to Offer German Variant

Finland and Latvia Lead Joint Programme with Sweden and Germany

Helsinki, Finland – April 17, 2023 – Patria, DSL, and FFG have announced their collaboration to provide a German variant of the Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS) programme. The initiative, originally established by Finland and Latvia, aims to create a family of armoured vehicles standardized across multiple European governments. Germany and Sweden have since joined the programme.

The CAVS programme seeks to replace ageing armoured personnel carriers such as the TPz Fuchs and the M113 with modern, versatile vehicles capable of meeting the evolving demands of contemporary warfare. The technical arrangement for the CAVS was officially signed on April 17, 2023, solidifying Germany's commitment to the programme.

Patria, a Finnish land systems specialist, will serve as the main contractor for the CAVS. DSL, a subsidiary of KNDS, and FFG will contribute their expertise in armoured vehicle development and production. The partnership aims to create a vehicle that meets the specific requirements of the German armed forces and complies with NATO standards.

Sweden, which joined the CAVS programme in 2022, has also signed the Technical Arrangement. This signifies the growing importance of collaborative defence initiatives within Europe and the shared commitment to developing interoperable military capabilities.
